
Error while parsing latex

magicaltoast opened this issue · 2 comments

/ a\cdot3 is parsed as variable not as multiplication.

buildFunction method returns a function that looks like this

anonymous(acdot3) {
 return acdot3;

If you input
/ 3\cdot2 it generates something like this

anonymous(cdot2) {
 return 3*cdot2;

Also, I am unable to parse any kind of sum. Throws ```Cannot read property 'column' of undefined: undefined: undefined: undefined`` exception.

/ \sum_{n=1}^{10}n

The multiplication error can be fixed with following regex replace(/\\cdot(\S)/g, '\\cdot $1').

Also weird behavior after an assignment in another equation
Every equation is compiled to return 20

const nerdamer = require("nerdamer");


const weird = [


The trigonometric function, log works fine. clearVars fix this issue but it's still strange behavior.