- 3
Solve issue
#608 opened by markhats - 1
Evaluating determinants with complex numbers
#616 opened by szoshi - 0
Convert Matrix Expression to JS array
#620 opened by piorus - 0
Simplifying complex numbers
#615 opened by szoshi - 5
Coeffs....complex numers?
#609 opened by szoshi - 0
Loss of decimal precission for functions such as sqrt, log, pi, e, exp and trig functions
#614 opened by Saikedo - 0
nerdamer.convertToLaTeX giving unexpected result
#613 opened by Anonymus0999 - 1
Another problem with ilt
#612 opened by roy77 - 5
- 1
differentiation giving wrong result.
#610 opened by Anonymus0999 - 4
Working with complex numbers
#607 opened by szoshi - 3
Possible bug in subtract function?
#606 opened by szoshi - 6
Accessing polynomial coefficients
#604 opened by szoshi - 2
Sorting terms in a sum
#605 opened by szoshi - 1
problem with converting from latex
#601 opened by MAGNETO903 - 2
bad results with ilt
#592 opened by roy77 - 2
Integral of "1/x" should be "log(abs(x))"
#571 opened by ElectrifyPro - 3
Variable names with subscript - Tex generation
#603 opened by szoshi - 2
Test Truth of Equality
#602 opened by Ephraim-Bryski - 3
Trigonometric Functions
#600 opened by Ephraim-Bryski - 2
- 4
- 6
Issue solving x^3+y^3=3
#594 opened by markhats - 0
Simplify failing to simplify ratio of quadratics.
#565 opened by thunderkid - 4
- 1
Definite integral answer incorrect
#593 opened by richardbullin - 1
solveFor return empty array
#595 opened by gulyasmarton - 5
Pending issues with simplify
#580 opened by jiggzson - 1
- 2
"System does not have a distinct solution" when solving system of linear equations
#562 opened by CAG2Mark - 3
How to build nested functions in nerdamer?
#582 opened by MAGNETO903 - 4
Invalid equations with number variables
#585 opened by sametaylak - 5
Is it possible for `nerdamer.convertFromLaTeX(TeX)` to support LaTex matrix?
#584 opened by DylanXie123 - 1
in line 10052, there should be input[2] instead of input[1] (printing log(x, y))
#575 opened by michalmicpaw - 1
Line 7759 => new definition of log, works with every combinations of multiplications and powers
#576 opened by michalmicpaw - 1
exp(i + x pi) gives sin(π⋅x)⋅i+cos(π⋅x)
#560 opened by dromastyx - 1
Expression doesn't get invalidated correctly.
#583 opened by iamprayush - 1
solveFor(...) call hangs if a constant with many decimal digits are present
#589 opened by cihancimen - 4
Incorrect solve output for some polynomial equations
#588 opened by jaypaik - 1
Incorrect derivative
#590 opened by richardbullin - 0
- 1
`log(1/sqrt(2))` get wrong output
#573 opened by DylanXie123 - 3
Limit to infinity fails
#572 opened by MatheNerd92 - 0
- 14
- 1
Simplify wrongly thinks sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2-1 = 1
#567 opened by thunderkid - 1
- 0
- 2
Trying to implement Neville's algorithm in nerdamer
#559 opened by cauefcr - 1
diff(sin^2 x,x)
#564 opened by rajinderpalsingh2001