
Import an image when `in-source: false`

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More a question than an issue per se.
I use in-source: false to generate my JS files in a separate lib folder. I wanted to use an image in my React code. I found in your template that you use @module to import it like so:

@module("./logo.svg") external logo: string = "default"

but the generated JS code can't find it because it is not in the right folder anymore.
The documentation talks about a loader to solve that kind of issue, but I haven't really been able to understand how to make it work.
So how can I import an image in a .res file and have the correct path for it in the generated JS file when it lives in a separate lib folder?
Thanks a lot!

Update: I overlooked the part where I have to put this code in the HTML:

<script type="module">
   import "/src/Main.res";

so everything works fine now!
Thank you for this great plugin!