
php work??

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i try to use top manga in vanilla php (not framework)
i have install composer install jikan

but how to use it? i follow documentation, not work, not found jikan,nothing work..

thank for answer

In case you'd like to just send a request to the API and get the top manga list docs are here:

In terms of php you are expected to use either a stream wrapper or curl or other third party library to make a http request to the API.

Example with curl:

$ch = curl_init();
// return the transfer as a string of the return value of [curl_exec()](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.curl-exec.php) instead of outputting it directly to stdout.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// the url where you want to send the request to
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.jikan.moe/v4/top/manga");
// turn on compression
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSH_COMPRESSION, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);

// you might have to use json deserialization instead of this, not sure ๐Ÿ˜„ 
$server_response_body = unserialize($result);



If you'd like to use the Jikan library to parse MAL pages locally then need to call the getTopManga function with the appropriate request:

public function getTopManga(Request\Top\TopMangaRequest $request): Model\Top\TopManga

i try to install Jikan library, but it"s not work, what's it's the process?

composer install Jikan? and after? i try install MalClient but not work...

thank for fast answe!r

I can't help you there until you share with us the following:

  • what have you tried to do so far, step by step like you are explaining something to a 5 year old
  • the error message you get
  • screenshot

btw you only have to composer install jikan-me/jikan and import the autoloader file from vendors folder.

i have install and import, i try to show top list of manga

`require '../vendor/autoload.php';

// require '../models/Manga.php';

use Jikan\MyAnimeList\MalClient;

$jikan = new MalClient();

// Top manga
$topManga = $jikan->TopManga();

This is how you make top manga request in Jikan.

$topManga = $jikan->getTopManga(new TopMangaRequest($page, $type))

You need to pass the respective Request class (TopMangaRequest) into the get API class (getTopManga).

Also, this API syntax is invalid:
$topManga = $jikan->TopManga();

Can you check if your jikan version is ^v3

This is how you make top manga request in Jikan.

$topManga = $jikan->getTopManga(new TopMangaRequest($page, $type))

You need to pass the respective Request class (TopMangaRequest) into the get API class (getTopManga).

Also, this API syntax is invalid: $topManga = $jikan->TopManga();

Can you check if your jikan version is ^v3 https://github.com/jikan-me/jikan/releases/tag/v3.3.2

okey but it's not write in documentation, where????
i try your code $topManga = $jikan->getTopManga(new TopMangaRequest($page, $type))
not found class getTopManga....

i try download zip version 3 but after download and launch composer install, what i do???


You need to composer require jikan-me/jikan in your project.
Please read into using composer.

The docs for jikan php are not upto date. I'd suggest using any IDE with intellisense auto complete like PHPStorm.

Yes i do, it install lot depance but After, i do what?
Explain more please or update documentation Friends

Personally I had some issues installing jikan with composer version 2.2.6, so after upgrading to 2.4.3 everything worked.
Here is a sample which works:

You only have to extract it, and run composer install in the folder.

The steps I did:

mkdir test_jikan
cd test_jikan
composer init


The key thing is PSR-4 and you have to import the correct namespaces into context. Which you have to dig for ofcourse in the source code of Jikan.

Or you can use my api client. Tho that also works with composer.

If you want to do PHP, I highly recomend reading up on composer usage and package management and use an intellisense IDE as @irfan-dahir suggested.

hello friend, i have do the same thing like you, installation are good
my file composer.json
{ "name": "root/manga", "require": { "jikan-me/jikan": "^3.3" }, "license": "MIT", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Root\\Manga\\": "src/" } }, "authors": [ { "name": "CodingBDX", "email": "" } ] }

and my index.php into src
`require '../vendor/autoload.php';

// require '../models/Manga.php';

use Jikan\MyAnimeList\MalClient;

$jikan = new MalClient();

$topManga = $jikan->getTopManga(new TopMangaRequest($page, $type));

and i have this error with xdebug
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "TopMangaRequest" not found in /var/www/manga/src/index.php on line 11

thank for fast answer friend!

Or you can use my api client. Tho that also works with composer. https://github.com/janvernieuwe/jikan-jikanPHP

If you want to do PHP, I highly recomend reading up on composer usage and package management and use an intellisense IDE as @irfan-dahir suggested.

yes but you can explain, i download ans launch composer init, but after??? you explain not clear...

Please read up here https://phptherightway.com/#composer_and_packagist
I advise you to read up the other topics on the site as well, since it is the best resource on how to learn modern PHP.


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "TopMangaRequest" not found in /var/www/manga/src/index.php on line 11

Have you tried importing that symbol? Like this:

use Jikan\Request\Top\TopMangaRequest;

Here is your code what you posted with fixes applied:

namespace CodingBDX \MyMangaApp;
require '../vendor/autoload.php';

// require '../models/Manga.php';

use Jikan\MyAnimeList\MalClient;
use Jikan\Request\Top\TopMangaRequest;

$jikan = new MalClient();
$topManga = $jikan->getTopManga(new TopMangaRequest(1, "manga"));


If this works you will owe me two sets of Krispy Kreme donuts and a coffee. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
Also the error message literally tells you what you are doing wrong. So I advise you too to read more about modern PHP on that website what janvernieuwe has suggested. ๐ŸŒˆ

thank you for your helps, it's work for topmangarequest ;)

now, i try to convert the result of json top a array, but it's return
'TypeError: file_get_contents(): Argument #1 ($filename) must be of type string'

`$topMangas = $jikan->getTopManga(new TopMangaRequest(1, 'manga'));

// converte top json in php

$response = json_decode(file_get_contents($topMangas), true);`

The contents of the $topMangas is an instance of the TopManga class. You need to convert it to an array object to be able to export it as json. file_get_contents is a function to read files from the disk. It takes a file pointer or a file path as first argument.
You need to use the following function to convert the TopManga class instance to an array:

thank man
i do this $result = $topMangas->getResults();
and i call into foreach
<body> <?php foreach ($result as $key => $manga) { echo $manga['title']; } ?>

but not work
nnot use object of type Jikan\Model\Top\TopMangaListItem as array in /var/www/html/manga/public/index.php o

Each element of the array is a TopMangaListItem instance.

Accordingly you need to use the getter functions to get each field.

Please don't forget about my Krispy Kremes and coffee: https://ko-fi.com/pushrbx

you can show me one exemple, i try ->getTitle() but it' don't find method..

Using my previous example as a base:

namespace Pushrbx\TestJikan;
require "vendor/autoload.php";

use Jikan\MyAnimeList\MalClient;
use Jikan\Request\Top\TopMangaRequest;

$jikan = new MalClient();
$topManga = $jikan->getTopManga(new TopMangaRequest(1, "manga"));
$results = $topManga->getResults();

i understand friend, that work, thank for your support!