
"Invalid gemspec" error

Closed this issue · 9 comments

When trying to install the gem, getting the error below:

"Installing carmen (0.2.9) Invalid gemspec in [/Users/soccerswim8/.bundler/tmp/26979/specifications/carmen-0.2.9.gemspec]: Illformed requirement ["#Syck::DefaultKey:0x0000010678bc28 1.6.2"]"

Help? Thanks!

jim commented

What versions of Ruby and Bundler are you using?

ruby: 1.9.2p290
bundler: 1.0.17

I also receive the error exactly 3 times everytime I enter something in Terminal

Same thing is happening for me:

$ ruby --version
ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-darwin10.6.0]
$ rvm --version
rvm 1.10.0-pre by Wayne E. Seguin ( []
$ bundle --version
Invalid gemspec in [/path/to/carmen-0.2.9.gemspec]: Illformed requirement ["#<Syck::DefaultKey:0x00000105cb0c90> 1.6.2"]
Bundler version 1.0.21

By strange coincidence, the same problem was affecting the Countries gem. See countries/countries#10.

The underlying problem could be the one described here:

If this is indeed the problem, the solution seems to be to rebuild the gem with ruby 1.8.

jim commented

I've pushed out 0.2.10, which was built with Ruby 1.8.7. It is still worth upgrading Rubygems itself if you can, but hopefully this helps those stuck on older versions. Please reopen this issue if the problem persists.

Installing carmen (0.2.11) Invalid gemspec in [/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/specifications/carmen-0.2.9.gemspec]: Illformed requirement ["#Syck::DefaultKey:0x0000010678bc28 1.6.2"]

This is the new error I get, should I just delete the old gemspec would that help?

jim commented

Arg. Try again, I just pushed 0.2.12, which was built with Ruby 1.8.7. Sorry about the confusion.

Its working! All I had to do was delete the old gemspec from the location given. Thanks jim!

ruby/1.9.1/specifications/carmen-1.0.0.beta2.gemspec]: Illformed requirement ["#Syck::DefaultKey:0x000000123fdc68 2.6.1