

An example project to reproduce the bug in eris on Node.js v20.
Audio files being cut off while playing a pcm file, when running on Node.js v18 it works fine.

How to use

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install the dependencies
    corepack enable
  3. Fill env
    cp .env.example .env
    Fill the .env file with the correct values
  4. Build the project
    yarn build
  5. Run the project
    yarn start
  6. Command list:
    • @<your bot> help - This help text
    • @<your bot> join - Join the voice channel you are in.
    • @<your bot> leave - Leave the voice channel.
    • @<your bot> play-opus - Play the example opus file.
    • @<your bot> play-pcm - Play the example pcm file.