
Provide builds for various Linux distros

Opened this issue · 1 comments

jimeh commented

This is a decent bit off, as it first requires a build script for Linux.

The build-emacs-for-macos script used at the moment is macOS specific for
obvious reasons. But I am planning a rewrite of it in Go, which allow me more
flexibility, potentially opening the door for Linux support without too much
effort. Time will tell.

jimeh commented

Very minor update on some movement for Linux builds. I recently needed a nightly build of Emacs on a linux machine, and put together a very quick and dirty bash script. It did what I needed, but not much more.

It did inspire me to start putting some proper effort into a solution for Linux however, and as of now, I have made a start in a new repo (jimeh/evm). Once it gets to a working state, the outstanding tasks would be to to decide and implement a means of packaging the builds for various, yet to be determined, Linux distros.