
foreign character sets not printing

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mlgrm commented

i'm using a docker container (docker run mlgrm/glabels ...) to run glabels 3.4.1 compiled from source on ubuntu 18.04. i use a merge csv file with entries in roman and dari (afghan variant of persian) scripts. it compiles fine and runs without error, but when i look at the output pdf doc, the roman script fields printed fine but the dari script was missing.

the dari shows up fine in the terminal, but the pdf file doesn't seem to reflect it.

any ideas?

to reproduce:

docker run --entrypoint glabels-3-batch -v $PWD:/home/glabels mlgrm/glabels card.glabel

the csv file itself is confidential data from field respondents, but if it would help i could probably reproduce it randomly.

here's the zipped template file.