
chrome://history redirects to default new tab page

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This is not a problem with the extension. I'm just hoping that someone here could direct me to the solution. thx! The default new tab page is chrome-search://local-ntp/local-ntp.html. I added this question to Super User - so you can also answer this question there if you so choose: https://superuser.com/q/1304032/315947

@robbyoconnor please don't be rude. I openly allow people to post questions.

@QUIPQUOPRO sorry I never saw your message. I changed my Gmail inbox to auto-sort into categories, and it screwed up some of my rules that tagged messages containing "New Tab Redirect".

If you're still having this issue, it's possible that it's another extension that's overriding "chrome://history". I know there's a way to install "hidden extensions", or ones that don't show in the extensions list that a user sees in the browser. I unfortunately don't know that process; it may be policies, registry entries in Windows, or even a custom service in your workplace which makes a one-time modification.

If it's another extension, you can search through your installed extensions directory, which should be C:\Users\**username**\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\. If you find a history override, it would look like this:

"chrome_url_overrides": {
    "history": "something.html"

If you do find something, I would suggest notifying the security team in your company. If there's a malicious extension, the company should be made aware of it. If there's an extension which is installed by your company, I would press them to consider removing it. Disallowing users to view the history on their own machines (even if it is company owned) could be a security risk.

@QUIPQUOPRO -- I apologize ❤️

@QUIPQUOPRO -- I apologize ❤️

No problem, I never saw your comment, so my fragile ego lost no hit points.

@jimschubert - thanks for the response - I figured it out eventually, or maybe the extension fixed itself, I don't remember anymore. I'll save those instructions for later. Cheers!