Code for "One Shot Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Stochastic Linear Bandits"

Environment Setup

Build the environment with:

conda env create -f environment.yml

This will assumes you have conda installed, and will generate an environment named invphasedelim.

Configuring Experiments

Experiments are configured via By default, the code will run 100 trials of phased elimination on the L2 ball (configured via opt) with dimension varying from 3 to 8 via several trials of run_synthetic. Results are written out as pickle files to the results directory.

To test the MovieLens setup, you must first download the dataset from here and move the ml-25m directory under data. Afterwards, run to generate a linear action set. Files for an existing action set are included in this example. Finally, configure to use run_movielens_test instead of run_synthetic.

Please note that memory usage grows dramatically with maximum phase. Using more than 7 phases may result in memory issues and/or precision issues, leading to invalid performance measurements.

You may need a valid Gurobi license to speed up G-Optimal design. For best performance, run on multiple cores by changing the Parsl configuration in test_phased_elim for your hardware setup.

Running experiments

Now you can run an experiment via:

conda activate invphasedelim

Results will be stored as a pickle file containing the inverse estimator error as a dictionary of arrays, where keys are the dimension.