
I can't filter with a variable

rosostolato opened this issue · 5 comments

jinqu-odata version


Steps to reproduce

query.createQuery(DomeFeature).expand('users', ['enable'], u => u.userMail === user.mail)

Expected behavior

expected query: ?$expand=users($filter=userMail eq email@email.com;$select=enable)

Actual behavior

actual query: ?$expand=users($filter=userMail eq user/mail;$select=enable)

Thanks for the feedback.

Because we have to stringify the function and parse the expression to convert it to query string parameters, scope is lost (not like c# expressions). To overcome this JavaScript limitation, jinqu supports scope parameters.

query.createQuery(DomeFeature).expand('users', ['enable'], u => u.userMail === user.mail, { user })

This way, user variable will be available when parsing expression.

HI, thank you for the support!

I tried it and still building the same query:
$expand=users($filter=userMail eq user/mail;$select=enable)

I searched on jinqu docs and found something like this:
const filtered = orders.where('c => c.id > value', { value: 3 })

So I tested with this code and it didn't work either:
query.createQuery(DomeFeature).expand('users', ['enable'], 'u => u.userMail === value', { value: user.mail })

I tried to debug inner functions and inside createExpandArgs function, the scope is an array of array of object... maybe it can help you

This is what i'm talking about:

when the code finds name in s, s is an array with indexes 0, 1, 2... not an object

The problem is somehow on createExpandArgs generated lib:

function createExpandArgs(nav, prm1, prm2) {
    var scopes = [];
    for (var _i = 3; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
        scopes[_i - 3] = arguments[_i]; // <--- creating arrary of array
    var selector;
    var filter;
    if (typeof prm1 !== "function" && typeof prm1 !== "string") {
        selector = prm1;
        filter = prm2;
    else {
        filter = prm1;
        scopes = prm2 ? __spread([prm2], scopes) : scopes;
    return [jinqu_1.PartArgument.literal(nav), jinqu_1.PartArgument.literal(selector), jinqu_1.PartArgument.identifier(filter, scopes)];

I reproduced the issue, and will be working on it.
Jinqu is not resolving cascading properties for parameters, for now you can use it like this:

const mail = user.mail;
   .expand('users', ['enable'], u => u.userMail === mail, {mail})

Fixed with 0.3.2 npm.
Thank you again for reporting.