
Getting a single entity by Key

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Expected behavior

Getting a single entity from OData service by its key:

export class NorthwindContext extends ODataService {
  constructor() {  super('api/');  }

  get products(): IODataQuery<Product> { return this.createQuery<Product>('products'); }
  get orderDetails(): IODataQuery<OrderDetail> { return this.createQuery<OrderDetail>('orderDetails'); }

/* single key */
/* api/products(3) */
let productId: number = 3;
let product: Product = await this.context.products

/* composite key */
/* api/orderDetails(orderId=10527,productId=4) */
let orderId: number = 10527, productId: number = 4;
let orderDetail: OrderDetail = await this.context.orderDetails
  .byKey({ orderId, productId })

Actual behavior

Using .where clause which produces urls like "api/products?$filter=productId eq 3" and causes calling a general Get() method on the server which returns a collection of a single entity

jinqu-odata version: 1.1.3

I've already created a PR which implements this issue: #35

I think we can close this now because I've merged the PR