
ODataService Ajax request interceptor

buchatsky opened this issue · 0 comments

jinqu-odata version


Proposed behavior

ODataService Ajax request interceptor (e.g. for adding Authorization http header) as an option in ODataService initialization

export interface IAjaxInterceptor {
    intercept(options: AjaxOptions): AjaxOptions;
export interface IODataServiceOptions<TResponse> {
    ajaxInterceptor?: IAjaxInterceptor;
if (this.options.ajaxInterceptor) {
  o = this.options.ajaxInterceptor.intercept(o);

return this.options.ajaxProvider.ajax(o)


const svc = new ODataService({
    ajaxProvider: provider,
    ajaxInterceptor: {
        intercept: (options) => {
            //options.headers = Object.assign({}, options.headers, { Authorization: "67890" } ); // copying is bad
            if (!options.headers) options.headers = {};
            options.headers['Authorization'] = "67890";
            return options;

Actual behavior

There is no single point of interception for such task. The options currently available:

  • adding .withOptions() to every dataset property/method in ODataService subclass
  • using Web framework mechanisms (e.g. HttpInterceptor for Angular)

PS. Already done in my repository