
Installing Jina Hubble SDK in virtual environments screws up global Docker image building

fa9r opened this issue · 2 comments

fa9r commented

I installed jina-hubble-sdk in a pyenv virtualenv when using discoart. Apparently, that changed something somewhere in my Docker config/settings/??? which led to the following error when building images in other environments:

... python3.10/site-packages/docker/auth.py:284 in _get_store_instance
... python3.10/site-packages/docker/credentials/store.py:2 in __init__
InitializationError: docker-credential-jina-hubble not installed or not available in PATH

I found two workarounds to fix this:

  • Running pip install jina-hubble-sdk in all other environments (obviously not ideal since it kinda defeats the point of having virtual environments in the first place).
  • Running jina auth login and then explicitly calling jina auth logout in my discoart venv.

It seems to me that this is an issue that happens when the user doesn't explicitly call jina auth logout before switching environments. I assume this a common usage pattern and it was a quite annoying thing to debug, so I'd suggest to look into this and make the Docker changes less intrusive so Docker itself still works without jina-hubble-sdk installed.

Hi @fa9r.
Thank you for reaching out.

This is indeed a known issue.

The issue is related to the specific implementation of docker-py.
I submitted a PR to them, which was merged a while ago.

This should be fixed after they make the next release.

fa9r commented

Somehow missed this. Thanks a lot for fixing it @nomagick ❤️