
Hi,guys ,we need scala jina api

mullerhai opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, jina is very popular, we have large model on spark Estimator, so want to try jina,could we develop jina scala api

Hey @mullerhai,

What exactly do u mean by an API? a way to start Deployments and Flows from Scala, or a client in Scala to connect to a Jina service?

Hey @mullerhai,

What exactly do u mean by an API? a way to start Deployments and Flows from Scala, or a client in Scala to connect to a Jina service?

first one

Hello @mullerhai ,

may I understand what is the usecase you are going after? Right now Flows and Deployments are used to instantiate Python based services. So I do not see how much useful it can be to have this API in Scala. How would you expect to use it?

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