
Update the Twitter Logo.

niranjan-kurhade opened this issue · 20 comments

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In the footer of the docs, we are still using the old logo of Twitter. https://docs.jina.ai/


Update the Logo of Twitter to latest logo (X).

Please assign this issue to me! I would like to work on it.

Hello @niranjan-kurhade ,

it would be nice to get your contribution

Hello @niranjan-kurhade ,

it would be nice to get your contribution

Thanks! Will create a PR soon!

Even I am trying to attempt this issue

Sir Pls check and approve the code for merging if no issues found. Waiting for your reply

Thank you

Hey @JoanFM, I was assigned this issue and was going to make a PR soon. 🥲

@nikitashrivastava29 ,

I think the solution provided by @AbhiGaunker does not work, at least on my phone. Perhaps you had a different approach to the solution?

@nikitashrivastava29 ,

I think the solution provided by @AbhiGaunker does not work, at least on my phone. Perhaps you had a different approach to the solution?

I have been assigned this issue originally, should I make a PR?

yes please

Sorry for that @JoanFM @niranjan-kurhade , as discussed before I got the right icon but Forget to update fontawesome version to its latest one. Since older version does not have the new logo we need to change it, I think we have version 5 installed currently

Hey @AbhiGaunker , can u lead us to how to fix the current issue?

I am reverting the change so far in #6096

If you guys don’t mind, I’d like a crack at doing this.

If you guys don’t mind, I’d like a crack at doing this.


@JoanFM is the issue solved or still open?

it is still open

it is still open

Hey @JoanFM, Please check I have made a PR to fix this.

is this issue still open? if that's the case I'd like to fix it , assign it to me

@jina-ai/product This issue is stale because it has been open 90 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 14 days