
This is the repository for Xilinx Summer Camp 2020. The target of our team is construting a distributed platform for acceleration. Our project is based on two ZCU102 boards and xapp1305.

We have established an FPGA-based distributed platform for acceleration through Ethernet port on ps side. One of two boards (mother board) send a file to a certain folder, while the other board (child board) is watching that folder. When child board receives a file in the folder, it will execute the program for acceleration imediattely.

How to run the distributed platform for acceleration

Step 1

Copy files in /sd_images/shared_images_for_boards/ to SD cards. Copy the .exe in mother_board_exe folder to the SD card of mother board. Copy the .exe in child_board_exe folder to the SD card of child board.

Step 2

Start boards from SD card and we need to set ip addresses for each one since they are connected directly through Ethernet cable. The mother board is set to and the child board is set to Start from SD card

Step 2

Start a watcher on the child board. The watcher program watches the ./ folder, which means /run/media/mmcblk0p1 folder. Once there is a file created, accessed, deleted, changed in the watched folder, the watcher program will execute the program for acceleration, which is a example vadd from Vitis. Start a watcher

Step 4

Send a test file as a trigger from mother board to child board through scp command. Note that the password of child board is needed here. Transfer file

Step 5

The program for acceleration is executed after the watcher finds a file is created in the folder. Execute program