
Convert Pcap file to Social Interaction Graphs

Primary LanguageC++

Convert Pcap file to Social Interaction Graphs (SIGs)

Definition of Social Interaction Graph:

First, we divide the pcap file into several segments sequentially according timestamp of packets. Each segment contains packets between a interval with length interval_length. Suppose the total number of segements is N, then there are N SIGs. Each SIG corresponds to the traffic in one segment.

All SIGs share the node set, which is the set of IP addresses in this pcap file. For the kth SIG, if there is packet in segment k whose source is node i and the destination is node j, then edge (i, j) \in G_k.

Packet Protocols

Now pcap2sigs can only parse packets of TCP, IP, ICMP and UDP protocols. You can enable each protocol by modifying -D option of CFLAGS in Makfile. For example CFLAGS=-Wall -D E_TCP -D E_UDP -D E_ICMP enables packets of TCP, UDP and ICMP protocols.


$ ./pcap2sigs <infile> <interval_size> [-debug]
$ ./pcap2sigs ./dosattack.pcap 0.0083

The SIGs will be printed in standard output

Output Format

The first line is set of all the ip addresses in the pcap file. IP addresses are separated by space. The following lines are the SIGs. For each SIG, the format is:

G<graph no>
<from node ID> -> <to node ID>

The ID of a node is the sequence of its ip addresses in the set defined by the first line. The ID is zero-based.

0 -> 1
1 -> 2
2 -> 0


The pcapSupport.c and pcapSupport.h comes from pcap Parser and Utitilies written by "Zow" Terry Brugger. Thanks him.





Jing Conan Wang hbhzwj AT gmail.com