
MOOS and MOOS-IvP development inside ENSTA Bretagne

Primary LanguageC++

# FILE:        moos-ivp-ENSTABretagne/README
# DATE:        2013/06/07
DESCRIPTION: Contains information regarding the moos-ivp-ENSTABretagne repository.

# Introduction
This moos-ivp-ENSTABreytagne fork is an extented mission control system for CISCREA underwater vehicle.
The code is only avaiable for Linux (Xubuntu suggested).For Mac user, video program might encounter dirver problem (Also Opencv problems). Alternatively, you can run Parallel virtual machine.

# Support
To install this branch on your machine, you need:

1. Working Moos-IvP program
   Follow official install docs: 

2. Install opencv for the Video program

   Vincent: sudo apt-get install libcv-dev

   Rui(Not working):
   Follow official install docs:
   Note: Use our command instead of offical one. We do not use IPP

3. Install libv4l2

   sudo apt-get install lib4l-dev  

4. Modbus
   sudo apt-get install libmodbus-dev

5. Serial Port

   Needed to access serial ports without conflicts
   (also check if the user is a member of the "dialout" group)
   sudo apt-get remove modemmanager

# Directory Structure
The directory structure for the moos-ivp-extend is decribed below:

bin                           - Directory for generated executable files
build                         - Directory for build object files
build-ivp-ENSTABretagne.sh    - Script for building moos-ivp-extend
CMakeLists.txt                - CMake configuration file for the project
data                          - Directory for storing data
docs                          - Directory for storing documents
lib                           - Directory for generated library files
missions                      - Directory for mission files
README                        - Contains helpful information - (this file).
scripts                       - Directory for script files
src                           - Directory for source code

# Build Instructions
# Linux and Mac Users

To build on Linux and Apple platforms, execute the build script within this

   #> ./build-ivp-ENSTABretagne.sh

To build without using the supplied script, execute the following commands
within this directory:

   #> mkdir -p build
   #> cd build
   #> cmake ../
   #> make
   #> cd ..

# Windows Users
To build on Windows platform, open CMake using your favorite shortcut. Then 
set the source directory to be this directory and set the build directory
to the "build" directory inside this directory.

The source directory is typically next to the question:
   "Where is the source code?"

The build directory is typically next to the question:
   "Where to build the binaries?"

Alternatively, CMake can be invoked via the command line. However, you must
specify your gernerator. Use "cmake --help" for a list of generators and
additional help.

# Environment variables
The moos-ivp-ENSTABretagne binaries files should be added to your path to allow them
to be launched from pAntler. 

In order for generated IvP Behaviors to be recognized by the IvP Helm, you
should add the library directory to the "IVP_BEHAVIOR_DIRS" environment 

#                               END of README

Bug report:

1. Install Opencv

[ 55%] Built target pch_Generate_opencv_imgproc
Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/libopencv_imgproc.so
/usr/bin/ld: ../../../3rdparty/ippicv/unpack/ippicv_lnx/lib/ia32/libippicv.a(jmp_ippiResizeGetBufferSize_16s_as.s.o): relocation R_386_GOTOFF against undefined symbol `ippicvJumpIndexForMergedLibs' can not be used when making a shared object
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [lib/libopencv_imgproc.so.3.0.0] Error 1
make[1]: *** [modules/imgproc/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgproc.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2


IPP concerne Intel, inutile sur AMD http://answers.opencv.org/question/37115/opencv-249-make-error/


2. Intall package

1: fatal error: libv4l2.h: No such file or directory
 #include <libv4l2.h>
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [src/iCamera/CMakeFiles/iCamera.dir/videograbv4l2.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/iCamera/CMakeFiles/iCamera.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2


sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev


rmmod em28xx, modprobe em28xx card=64/67 ou juste modprobe em28xx 
désinstaller libv4l ou la désactiver en supprimant la ligne CHECK_MODULE(libv4l1 HAVE_LIBV4L) dans CMakeLists.txt (il y a peut-être plus propre à faire) 
cap_v4l.cpp, autosetup_capture_mode_v4l2() : mettre en 2ème position le test YUYV (quelque part au-dessus de YUV411P) pour qu'il soit choisi en priorité car yuv411p_to_rgb24() ne semble pas fonctionner correctement (bug openCV ou driver) 
et régler en PAL en faisant un v4l2_std_id argStd = V4L2_STD_PAL;xioctl(fp, VIDIOC_S_STD, &argStd) dans try_palette_v4l2()...

3. usleep function

In file included from /home/yribex/workspace/moos-ivp-ENSTABretagne/src/pControler/Controler_Tests.h:17:0,
                 from /home/yribex/workspace/moos-ivp-ENSTABretagne/src/pControler/Controler_Tests.cpp:15:
/home/yribex/workspace/moos-ivp-ENSTABretagne/src/pControler/../common/Tests.h: In member function 'void Tests::afficherConclusionTests()':
/home/yribex/workspace/moos-ivp-ENSTABretagne/src/pControler/../common/Tests.h:75:63: error: 'usleep' was not declared in this scope
      usleep(1000 * 1000 * TESTS_DUREE_AFFICHAGE_MESSAGE_ERREUR);
make[2]: *** [src/pControler/CMakeFiles/pControler.dir/Controler_Tests.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/pControler/CMakeFiles/pControler.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

4. CV problem

Problem describ in /src/buglog/4_cv_proglem

old opencv to new opencv 3.0
cv::Mat() to cv::cvarrToMat()