
translate smarty template to etpl

Primary LanguageJavaScript


translate smarty template to etpl


for use in command line:

npm install -g smarty2etpl

or for use in nodejs

npm install smarty2etpl


use in a command line:

smarty2etpl some-template.tpl

use in nodejs api

var smarty2etpl = require('smarty2etpl');

var etpl = smarty2etpl.compile('hello, {%$name%}');


config smarty2etpl

modifier src/config.json to set ldelim or ldelim. Save config.json and run command in your terminal:

npm install
grunt build

This requires grunt-cli and you can get it by:

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Default ldelim and rdelim are {% and %}


current version only support these commands, modifiers or php functions:

  • Commands
    • foreach
    • if
    • block
    • extends
    • function
    • assign
    • strip
  • Modifiers
    • escape
  • php functions
    • count
    • empty: use this php function will make your page rely on jQuery.isEmptyObject
    • isset

these features are not supported:

  • if parameter value is a string, the '' or "" cannot be bypassed:

this is ok:

{%funciton name='menu'%} ... {%/function%}

this will cause pasre error:

{%funciton name=menu%} ... {%/function%}
  • foreach

only support smarty2 syntax

{%foreach from=$data item=$item key=$key"%}

@index @first @last etc. this feature cannot go with etpl for now;

There maybe is a trick way, and we may support this in future;

  • all kinds short-hand. Only key=value parameters supported

this is ok:

{%function name='menu' level=0%} ... {%/block%} 

these will cause parse error:

{%block menu%} ... {%/block%}
  • function chainable such as:



pull requests are totally welcome

  • make ldemin and rdemin can be set through nodejs api
  • support these commands:
    • include
    • while
    • for
  • strengthen these commands:
    • foreach