- 9
Unable to create PencilFFTPlan using ROCArray
#74 opened by ahojukka5 - 0 example not working
#73 opened by ahojukka5 - 6
Save and import FFT wisdom
#67 opened by zywang-cosmo - 30
TagBot trigger issue
#24 opened by JuliaTagBot - 5
#64 opened by jipolanco - 6
CuArray Performance
#56 opened by Lightup1 - 2
- 1
#57 opened by AdwardAllan - 5
- 4
- 3
@benchmark hang on when processors is large
#51 opened by Lightup1 - 2
#52 opened by Lightup1 - 10
FFT MPI with threads
#49 opened by Lightup1 - 3
Combining cpu and gpu
#50 opened by Lightup1 - 13
PencilFFTs on GPUs?
#3 opened by ali-ramadhan - 17
- 7
Creation of 0D PencilArrays when global size cannot be factored by processor config
#43 opened by glwagner - 1
Error making plan with `NoTransform!()`
#45 opened by glwagner - 7
Illustrate broadcasting over wavenumber grids (or wavenumber PencilArray) in `gradient.jl` ?
#42 opened by glwagner - 2
- 0
Support AbstractFFTs interface
#22 opened by jipolanco - 0
In-place real-to-complex FFTs?
#21 opened by jipolanco - 0
Perform intermediate FFTs in-place
#20 opened by jipolanco - 0
Support pruned multidimensional FFTs
#13 opened by jipolanco - 3
Error: FFTW could not create plan
#9 opened by f-fathurrahman