
Meaning of the Json file

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, Thank you for providing such a wonderful tool. May I know the fields of the generated JSON file mean? Say source/ width/ height and etc. I google it and try understanding by myself but I fail.

	"source" : 1,
	"width" : 8,
	"height" : 8,
	"src_x" : 172,
	"src_y" : 604,
	"dst_x" : 158,
	"dst_y" : 627,
	"dx" : -14,
	"dy" : 23

Thanks a lot!

You can find the meaning of most here: https://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/3.1/motion__vector_8h_source.html
dx and dy are the distance from source to destination.

You can find the meaning of most here: https://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/3.1/motion__vector_8h_source.html
dx and dy are the distance from source to destination.

Thanks a lot!!