
WIP libretro port of UAE (P-UAE and libco) Expect bugs

Primary LanguageC


Based on https://github.com/libretro/libretro-uae.git

This version focusses on integration with libretero and Retroarch.
Only tested and developed on Linux; but the original version worked on more architectures.

# Usage

The best compatibility with games should be to set machine to 'A500', configuration 0, compatability 'exact', disk speed 'normal'.

## Kickstart (bios)

This libretro core requires a bios, or Kickstart rom, to work.
There are a lof of different roms available, and the best kickstart rom depends on the machine emulated.
On startup, the core checks all files in `system/kickstart`.
The best core for the current emulated machine automatically selected from the files found there.

## IPF

To play games in IPF format you will need the CAPS image library, `capsimg.so`.
Place this file in the `system` directory.

## Multidisk games

Lots of Amiga games come on more than one disk, or need save disks etc.
You can zip all disks together and load the ZIP archive with this core.
All disks in the archive are then appended, and you can switch disks via the disk control menu.
Disks are treated like CD's, so to switch disks:

 * open the tray
 * change disk
 * close the tray

## Autofire (buggy)

When autofire option is on, just hold the fire button for rapid firing.

# Added features:
 * Multi disk games via libretro's disk api
 * Controls for second player 
 * Keyboard support via libretro's keyboard overlay
 * Savestates and rewind
 * Predefined hardware configurations
 * Automatic selection of best kickstart rom
 * IPF disk format support
 * Autofire

# Knows Bugs:
 * Rewind is slow, use a high frameskip count
 * Keyboard input for capital letters is a bit hackish, but can be done using capslock. Works with querty overlay
 * Changing display modes needs restart