
(v2) TypeError in `onAdsCommandReceived`

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Observed after reconnecting to running PLC with V2:

๐Ÿ›œ [plc SAFETY] Initiating PLC connection to AMSNetId IP port 48898 ...                                                 10:47:25.608
1417 |                 for (let stamp of packet.ads.payload.stamps) {
1418 |                     //Stamp has n samples inside
1419 |                     for (let sample of stamp.samples) {
1420 |                         //Try to find the subscription
1421 |                         const key = ADS.amsAddressToString(packet.ams.sourceAmsAddress);
1422 |                         const subscription = this.activeSubscriptions[key][sample.notificationHandle];
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.activeSubscriptions[key][sample.notificationHandle]')
      at onAdsCommandReceived (.../node_modules/ads-client/dist/ads-client.js:1422:71)
      at onAmsTcpPacketReceived (.../node_modules/ads-client/dist/ads-client.js:1348:26)
      at parseAmsTcpPacket (.../node_modules/ads-client/dist/ads-client.js:1104:14)

I should note:

  • The runtime used is Bun (1.1.26).
  • The error only occurred once.

I struggle to see how this.activeSubscriptions could ever be undefined, and assume the index access Bun complains about is this.activeSubscriptions[key][sample.notificationHandle].

There is no null-check at all which is my fault, need to fix that.

I think this issue is possible when you first subscribe to a variable and then the connection closes without unsubscribing (so the PLC keeps sending notifications).

When connecting again, the client receives notification with unknown notification handle. And probably unknown key too, if that happens just after connecting.

By the way, I still have a one breaking change to commit. I'm changing subscribeSymbol() to subscribeValue() to keep the naming consistent. Just a heads up!

Hopefully now fixed in beta.2!

I think this issue is possible when you first subscribe to a variable and then the connection closes without unsubscribing (so the PLC keeps sending notifications).

Makes sense. A situation with stale subscription handles could arise if e.g. the application crashes during development, before unsubscribe() was called.

Hopefully now fixed in beta.2!


Closing this for now. Let me know if there are still any issues :)