
Writing from PLC to Node Application

Phil-Davies-Github opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, thanks for the library.

As the node client application has no router attached to it I assume that only read and write from the node client is possible.
Is it possible to read the state of the node client and then write to from the PLC?

Also do you have the typescript def file you could share please?

Thanks Phil

If you want to write from PLC to Node.js, you need to run ads-server (https://github.com/jisotalo/ads-server).

This project has no typescript definitions yet. That ads-server project does though.

Thanks. Here is some type defs I started to use, perhaps you could finalise and update the project?

interface AdsClient {
  _events: {};
  _eventsCount: number;
  _maxListeners: number | undefined;
  settings: {
    objectifyEnumerations: boolean;
    convertDatesToJavascript: boolean;
    readAndCacheSymbols: boolean;
    readAndCacheDataTypes: boolean;
    disableSymbolVersionMonitoring: boolean;
    routerTcpPort: number;
    routerAddress: string;
    localAddress: string;
    localTcpPort: number;
    localAmsNetId: string;
    localAdsPort: number;
    timeoutDelay: number;
    hideConsoleWarnings: boolean;
    autoReconnect: boolean;
    reconnectInterval: number;
    checkStateInterval: number;
    connectionDownDelay: number;
    allowHalfOpen: boolean;
    disableBigInt: boolean;
    bareClient: boolean;
    targetAmsNetId: string;
    targetAdsPort: number;
  _internals: {
    debugLevel: number;
    receiveDataBuffer: undefined;
    socket: {};
    nextInvokeId: number;
    amsTcpCallback: {};
    activeAdsRequests: {};
    activeSubscriptions: {};
    symbolVersionNotification: {};
    systemManagerStatePoller: { id: number; timer: {} };
    firstStateReadFaultTime: {};
    socketConnectionLostHandler: {};
    socketErrorHandler: {};
    oldSubscriptions: {};
    reconnectionTimer: { id: number; timer: null };
    portRegisterTimeoutTimer: {};
  metaData: {
    deviceInfo: {};
    systemManagerState: {};
    plcRuntimeState: {};
    uploadInfo: {};
    symbolVersion: number;
    allSymbolsCached: boolean;
    symbols: {};
    allDataTypesCached: boolean;
    dataTypes: {};
    routerState: {};
  connection: AdsConnection;
  Symbol: boolean[];
  connect(): AdsConnection;
  subscribe(): any;

interface AdsData {
  value: number;
  timeStamp: Date;
  type: {
    name: string;
    type: string;
    size: number;
    offset: number;
    adsDataType: number;
    adsDataTypeStr: string;
    comment: string;
    attributes: {}[];
    rpcMethods: [];
    arrayData: [];
    subItems: [];

  symbol: {
    indexGroup: number;
    indexOffset: number;
    size: number;
    adsDataType: number;
    adsDataTypeStr: string;
    flags: number;
    flagsStr: string[];
    arrayDimension: number;
    nameLength: number;
    typeLength: number;
    commentLength: number;
    name: string;
    type: string;
    comment: string;
    arrayData: [];
    typeGuid: string;
    attributes: [];
    reserved: undefined;

interface AdsSubscribe {
  target: string;
  settings: {
    transmissionMode: number;
    cycleTime: number;
    maximumDelay: number;
  callback: Function[];
  symbolInfo: {
    indexGroup: number;
    indexOffset: number;
    size: number;
    adsDataType: number;
    adsDataTypeStr: string;
    flags: number;
    flagsStr: string[];
    arrayDimension: number;
    nameLength: number;
    typeLength: number;
    commentLength: number;
    name: string;
    type: string;
    comment: string;
    arrayData: [];
    typeGuid: string;
    attributes: [];
    reserved: undefined;
  notificationHandle: number;
  lastValue: number;
  internal: boolean;
  unsubscribe: any;
  dataParser: any;


I'm actually planning to rewrite the library to Typescript someday. Let's see..