
Add numbers to raised hands

netFLOw95 opened this issue · 3 comments

What problem are you trying to solve?

It is not very intuitive or easy to recognize that the participants are sorted by "Raised hands".

What solution would you like to see?

Adding numbers would make the order easier to see.

Is there an alternative?

No response

The number doesn't really add much, other than visual clutter. I'm sorry but this is not a change we can make.

Thanks for the quick response. Just that you got me right: For those who know that the participants are ordered according to "Raised hands", I fully agree. But I think many people don't know that feature respectively are not aware that the participants are ordered and then the numbers would help to kind of "recognize that feature".

Yes, I understood what you meant :-)

The train of thought here is that in most cases it's not relevant to the user, and for those who are interested, it's easy to discover, as people raise / lower hands.