Find My Dinner


  1. pip install python-telegram-bot -U --pre
  2. Register a telegram account
  3. Create your bot
    1. Talk to BotFather
    2. Use /newbot command to create new bot and get your token
  4. Create your own API key for map service following the step here
  5. In ./config.ini, replace your_token and your_api_key with your owns (without quotation marks)
  6. python3, and you can talk to you bot on Telegram.

/findfood command

  • The command allow you to find food according to the bot's recommandation or directly search for the desired food
  • For the related package installations, see the comments at the beginning of ./
  • Send the command as following (it's suggested to input food_name using Taiwanese characters):
/findfood [food_name]
  • The recommanded restaurants is sorted by distance, and only rating > 3.9 is considered. The bot recommands at most top three of them.