
Come up with a better name

jjant opened this issue · 2 comments

jjant commented

I don't love the name runty8.
Some easy alternatives are:

  • pico8-rs
  • pico-rs

Suggestions are welcome (and encouraged!).

Found this repo after you commented on an issue, which lead me to look into pico-8 stuff which really impresses me so far.

On their website https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php?page=faq they mention that pico just means pixelated. And pixel names are overused so you can really name it whatever you want. Just don't make it shellfish related please.

I wanted to recommend bello-8 from "pico bello" which means excellent but then realized that expression only exists in dutch as pseudo italian... But anything that's kind of cute will do