
Ubuntu 16.04 issues

jjasghar opened this issue · 5 comments

This issue is to track any specific 16.04 issues that are found with this cookbook and 16.04

RabbitMQ 3.6.3 will include support for systemd and the price of having a new dependency: init-system-helpers.


We work on Oracle Linux in our environment, and as logic this cookbook supports rhel, fedora. Can you please add 'oracle' as platform as well?

ohai|grep platform

"platform": "oracle",


@kulbirsaini30 there is no reason why the basic support shouldn't be there. Can you open another issue for Oracle support and any issues you may have seen?

I need to have more than only one person asking for this also, to have another base OS in the support matrix will add another layer of complexity.

Hi there,

i just upgraded Chef to 12.12.0-1 ( amd64 ) from 12.11.1-1

and my log files flood with


is there a way to "fix" that manually or is it something that is just broken for me ?