
didnt get data in slack

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I used your payload and it is not working. :(

I changed all the config file from slack-service-notification.sh but it is not working

Hi @pkhadka56

Did you enable the new incoming webhook, set up the configs as detailed in readme, and make sure your Icinga server can access the slack webhook URL (firewall, etc)?

@jjethwa Hi, thank you for your attention. I have followed your README and I get notification if I ran script itself from the command. but somehow I am not getting any alerts in slack itself. BTW our icingaweb2 is in https, does it matter?

Hi @pkhadka56

Do your host objects have the vars.sla attribute defined? If not, you'll have to modify the apply Notification rule that is shown in bullet #5 in the readme. Let me know if that helps 🙂

@jjethwa Sorry, after assigning vars.sla = "24x7" to one of the host object I got notification in slack.



Great news!🙂

@jjethwa last question why I am not getting addition details? it only shows the STATE. For example. it shows cpu load STATE is CRITICAL but didnt show how much load is.

Sorry to bother and reopening again. I am not getting notification as I wanted. I wanted to get notification in slack as soon as STATE changes. Now it is sending notification base on time.


You'll have to modify the script if you want the additional info. My example script does not contain that as I feel it would be too much information for a Slack notification.

By default, notifications are executed immediately after state change so take a look at your configuration again :)
