
iapws.ammonia module - Calculation of density

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi all,

while comparing ammonia densities against other property modules I noticed some abnormality around Tc= 405.4K with huge changes in density.


`from iapws import ammonia as iapws

NH3_1 = iapws.NH3(T=273.15+115,P=0.1)
print(f"Density at 110°C, 1 bar: {NH3_1.rho} [kg/m³]")
print(f"x = {NH3_1.x}")
#print(f"h = {NH3_1.x} kJ/kg")

NH3_2 = iapws.NH3(T=273.15+130,P=0.1)
print(f"Density at 130°C, 1 bar: {NH3_2.rho} [kg/m³]")
print(f"x = {NH3_2.x}")
#print(f"h = {NH3_2.x} kJ/kg")

NH3_3 = iapws.NH3(T=273.15+140,P=0.1)
print(f"Density at 140°C, 1 bar: {NH3_3.rho} [kg/m³]")
print(f"x = {NH3_3.x}")`


Best regards,

Hi, the output in terminal show the problem, the density solver iteration fail, the problem, iapws use the returned value to do the properties calculation

from iapws.ammonia import NH3

ammonia = NH3(T=273.15+130, P=0.1)
print(f"Density at 130°C, 1 bar: {ammonia.rho} [kg/m³]")
print(f"x = {ammonia.x}")

/home/jjgomera/Programacion/iapws/iapws/iapws95.py:141: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  fird += n*exp(-g*delta**c)*delta**(d-1)*tau**t*(d-g*c*delta**c)
/home/jjgomera/Programacion/iapws/iapws/iapws95.py:141: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in add
  fird += n*exp(-g*delta**c)*delta**(d-1)*tau**t*(d-g*c*delta**c)
/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/minpack.py:175: RuntimeWarning: The iteration is not making good progress, as measured by the 
  improvement from the last ten iterations.
  warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
Density at 130°C, 1 bar: 156.7684068421287 [kg/m³]
x = 1

By the way, the calculo procedure is internal and not necessary call from user.

Dirty solution, define a initial value of density like that:

ammonia = NH3(T=273.15+130,P=0.1, rho0=0.5)

and you get the correct value

Density at 130°C, 1 bar: 0.5097610127632395 [kg/m³]
x = 1

Thanks for report, I have to improve density solver convergence