
`--checksum` does not work when used with `--no-derive`

soredake opened this issue · 4 comments

When i execute ia upload --checksum --verify --retries 10 --no-backup --no-derive something . it's just starts uploading right away without checking checksums.

Windows 11, internetarchive 3.0.0 in powershell

maxz commented

I cannot replicate this on Linux. It would be the easiest if any contributor here had Windows 11 installed to verify this, because setting up Windows 11 in a VM is a bit of a pain thanks to the TPM requirement.

Could you run it while additionally using --debug as an argument and post the output here? This most likely will not produce anything helpful in debugging this, but maybe it does.

I think windows 10 vm are fine too, 11 is not that different from 10.

maxz commented

Cannot reproduce on Windows 10 with Python 3.10.5 and ia 3.0.2.

Retry with 3.0.2, and supply your Python version and debug output. Then I might take a look at it.
Jake's stance as of last year is that we do not officially support Windows.

maxz commented

You used unsupported syntax which just broke many file related mechanisms while still working due to sheer luck. I added support for it.