
Cannot run leetcode-sql-unlocked any more

Closed this issue · 6 comments


First, I would love to thank you for putting this together. I have been using it for weeks and it was working. However, last week, when I tried to use it again, it shows the error that

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "leetcode_sql_unlocked.py", line 77, in
File "leetcode_sql_unlocked.py", line 53, in main
lc = get_leetcode()
File "leetcode_sql_unlocked.py", line 49, in get_leetcode
lc = Leetcode(driver_path, q_elements_path, q_state_path, q_public_urls_path, headless=headless)
File "/Users/jq41/Documents/Python/python3/leetcode-sql-unlocked-master/leetcode_sql_unlocked/src/leetcode.py", line 39, in init
self.question_nodes = QuestionNodes(q_elements, self.question_log.q_state['current'])
File "/Users/jq41/Documents/Python/python3/leetcode-sql-unlocked-master/leetcode_sql_unlocked/src/questions.py", line 25, in init
self.__current = self.create_q_nodes(question_elements, curr_log_num)
File "/Users/jq41/Documents/Python/python3/leetcode-sql-unlocked-master/leetcode_sql_unlocked/src/questions.py", line 36, in create_q_nodes
for q_num in question_elements.keys():
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

I tried to run the test file and it gives similar error, saying that "Could not find question elements from leetcode.com
E". Is it related to the leetcode website update?


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Yes, it has to do with the new leetcode website update.

I'm currently incredibly busy till August, but if I have a chance I will try to implement a fix sooner than that.

The code has been updated and the issue should be fixed. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention.

Hi, thanks for your effort .

But the recent update doesn't work for me, nothing appeared after clicking 'leetcode_sql_unlocked'.

Can you include the traceback, please?
What do you mean nothing appeared after clicking ? What exactly did you click?

Can you include the traceback, please?
What do you mean nothing appeared after clicking ? What exactly did you click?

Hi, I cannot show you the traceback because the python program window only appeared just one second before disappeared again.

I have followed the instructions given, 1st run the setup.py file then run leetcode_sql_unlocked/leetcode_sql_unlocked.py.
Thing was okay before leetcode update their questions bank and I have been using for around 1 month.