
Async Programming

Opened this issue · 3 comments

  • POE (or Reflex better?)
  • AnyEvent (eeek)
  • IO::Async

Suggested example code: POC of a distributed load-testing solution using Object::Remote.

I vote to not cover AnyEvent due to the maintainer. There are plenty of decent solutions written by sane people.

Worth asking Paul Evans (LeoNerd) who wrote IO::Async if he can contribute?

Another suggested example: Perl on an embedded device such as BeagleBone, using Async to flash LEDs, move motors, accept user input, and connect to Internet at same time. I have a project that could work as example for this (Clockodillo, roughly equivalent to what's at http://hello.pomodori.no but with new name and moving away from Arduino)

There's also Coro which is quite recommended, but same author as AnyEvent. Not sure how recent this recommendation is.

(or possibly a candidate for systems programming with Perl, if we ended up with such a chapter)