
Erlang RabbitMQ client

Primary LanguageErlang


a simplifying wrapper for the rabbit-erlang-client

  1. Setup

1.1. Installation

Using rebar:

{deps, [
	{ebunny, ".*", {hg, "https://bitbucket.org/jjmrocha/ebunny", "default"}}

Download rabbit-erlang-client:


1.2. Start eBunny

ok = application:start(ebunny).
  1. Message consumers

A message consumer is a module that implements the eb_consumer_handler behavior to receive automatically messages from a queue.

2.1. Write a module that implements the eb_consumer_handler behavior

The behavior has the following functions:

init(Args :: list()) -> {ok, State :: term()}. 

on_message(Msg :: binary(), State :: term()) 
	-> {ack, State :: term()} | {no_ack, State :: term()}.

terminate(State :: term()) -> ok.


  • init/1 eBunny will call this function to initialize the consumer
  • on_message/2 eBunny will call this function every time it retrieves a message from the queue, the function must answer with:
    • {ack, State} - To acknowledge the message
    • {no_ack, State} - To receive the next message without sending an acknowledgement for last message
  • terminate/1 eBunny will call this function before terminate consumer




-export([init/1, on_message/2, terminate/1]).

init(Args) ->
	error_logger:info_msg("init(~p)\n", [Args]),
	{ok, []}. 

on_message(Msg, State) ->
	error_logger:info_msg("on_message(~p)\n", [Msg]),
	{ack, State}.

terminate(_State) -> 

2.2. Start a consumer

    ConsumerName :: atom(), 
    Module :: atom(), 
    Args :: list(), 
    HostURI :: binary(), 
    QueueName :: binary()) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.


  • ConsumerName Identifies the consumer in subsequent interactions with eBuddy
  • Module Module that implements the eb_consumer_handler behavior
  • Args Arguments to pass to the function init()
  • HostURI AMQP URI for the message broker
  • QueueName Name of the queue to listen on


Args = [],
URI = <<"amqp://">>,
Queue = <<"testQueue">>,
ebunny:start_consumer(con, eb_consumer_debug, Args, URI, Queue).
  1. Message publisher

A message publisher is a module that implements the eb_publisher_handler behavior to convert and send messages to the message broker.

3.1. Write a module that implements the eb_publisher_handler behavior

The behavior has the following functions:

init(Args :: list()) -> {ok, State :: term()}. 

on_message(InMsg :: term(), State :: term()) 
	-> {send, Exchange :: binary(), RoutingKey :: binary(), OutMsg :: binary(), Persistent :: boolean(), State :: term()} 
	| {ignore, State :: term()}.

terminate(State :: term()) -> ok.


  • init/1 eBunny will call this function to initialize the publisher
  • on_message/2 eBunny will call this function every time it receives a message for the publisher, the function must answer with:
    • {send, Exchange, RoutingKey, OutMsg, Persistent, State} - To send the message OutMsg for the exchange Exchange with the routing key RoutingKey
    • {ignore, State} - If the publisher doesn't want to send a message in response to InMsg
  • terminate/1 eBunny will call this function before terminate publisher




-record(state, {key}).

-export([init/1, on_message/2, terminate/1]).

init(Args) ->
	RoutingKey = proplists:get_value(routing_key, Args),
	{ok, #state{key=RoutingKey}}. 

on_message(Msg, State=#state{key=RoutingKey}) ->
	{send, <<"">>, RoutingKey, Msg, false, State}.

terminate(_State) -> ok.

3.2. Start a publisher

    PublisherName :: atom(), 
	Module :: atom(), 
	Args :: list(), 
	HostURI :: binary()) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.


  • PublisherName Identifies the publisher in subsequent interactions with eBuddy
  • Module Module that implements the eb_publisher_handler behavior
  • Args Arguments to pass to the function init()
  • HostURI AMQP URI for the message broker


Args = [{routing_key, <<"testQueue">>}],
URI = <<"amqp://">>,
ebunny:start_publisher(pub, eb_publisher_example, Args, URI).

3.3. Send messages

To send messages to the publisher use eb_publisher module:

    PublisherName :: atom(), 
    Msg :: term()) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.

    PublisherName :: atom(), 
    Msg :: term()) -> ok.


eb_publisher:cast(pub, <<"Hello message">>).