HTTPS / WSS support
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi John,
Fantastic work here. I heard some people say that Catalyst can't do ASync, but it seems like you worked it out. I was wondering, I have a long running Perl Catalyst project based on ShinyCMS, and I would love to have WebSockets working for it. However, I would need to have it set up using an Apache reverse proxy and HTTPS, and HTTPS seems to make it require WSS. I'm not sure what the problem is exactly, except that the WSS code (or maybe the Apache proxy?) I'm running seems to be messing up the headers. I get "Missing Upgrade header" or something like that, although it's clearly being sent and received.
My question is, if at all possible, could you please create another repo that supports HTTPS/WSS.
If I cannot get it to work I may just run two Catalysts, one derived from your code and then the original, but that is really not desirable. I've spent two days wracking my brain over what's going on.
Thanks for your time in reading this. This project is for my Free Life Planner project, to help disadvantaged folk. The exact use case is to push notifications and prompts to their cell phone when different exogenous events occur. My codebase is available here, although the github is way out of date with my local copy.
As an update I managed to create a websocket based real time web app using Mojolicious, but am having similar issues with the Apache reverse proxy not working properly.