
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Background and Overview

Not everyone is so confident with their own decisions.

Not everyone fits into society as well as each of us would like.

Sometimes, what you think may be right, but sometimes it just may not be acceptable.

Until now, after the development of "Social Q's", you had no clue that you were socially inept because no one has told you that your decisions were wrong.

Social-Q's is a product that tests your social ineptitude.

The questions will be simple and straightforward, and after choosing an answer,

a graph will show how many others think alike.

Be the majority, or accept that you are socially inept.

Be the minority, and prove that you are an individual.

Yet have some common sense unless you will be a monkey.

Test your social ineptitude today.

Social Q is built with the MERN stack, a combincation of MongoDB, EXPRESS, REACT, and NODE.

Functionality & MVP

  • User authorization: sign up and log in
  • Question creation and display
  • Clicking on category displays a random question from that category to the user.
  • Answering a question will instantly render a response-distribution visualization. This visualization will take into account the user’s demographic.
  • Users can go to their page and see how where their responses on average stand compared to the rest of the users on the website.
  • Users can upvote or downvote a question as it appears. Higher upvoted questions will appear at the top of the questions index on future run-throughs.
  • Production README

Technologies and Technical Challenges

Group Members and Work Breakdown

Group Members : Ajay, Josh, Johnson, Raphael

Sunday -

  • Josh Kern
    • Initialize project and Mongo database.
    • Create Questions model
    • Create Users model
    • User Auth Monday -
  • (Names here)
    • Answers back & frontend
    • Home page styling (CSS)
    • User auth styling (CSS)
    • Research/begin implementation of data visualization modules Tuesday -
  • (Names here)
    • Finish up CSS of various pages
    • Continue implementation of data visualization modules
    • Displaying results after question is answered
    • User profile with user statistics Wednesday
  • All Members
    • polish and finish up CSS and any other bugs along the way
    • Complete rest of production read me