
Error while downloading

PhoenixmitX opened this issue · 2 comments

$ go get github.com/jkoenig134/go-ts5-applib
runs into this error:

go: downloading github.com/jkoenig134/go-ts5-applib v0.0.0-20210608195632-643c35e1ac42
go get: github.com/jkoenig134/go-ts5-applib@v0.0.0-20210608195632-643c35e1ac42: parsing go.mod:
        module declares its path as: github.com/jkoenig134/ts-remote-app
                but was required as: github.com/jkoenig134/go-ts5-applib

just edit the command in the readme.md file to https://github.com/jkoenig134/ts-remote-app

Done! Thank you for reporting!