
Not working when App is in Background or Phone locked (Android)

marcogmst opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there,

I have been noticing some really strange behavior with this Inactivity package and I wonder if anyone have had the some problem before.

So, when I run the app in debug mode, everything runs smoothly and as it should, but when I deploy the app I start to get weird issues with the Timer. I think it is not triggering the Inactivity, but I am not sure.

Replication steps:

  • login
  • put the app in the background or simply lock the phone.
  • leave it for 10+ minutes which is my time for Inactivity (600.000ms)
  • open the app again
  • the inactivity alert does not show up, even if scroll the screen up and down
  • when I change screens, the inactivity alert shows up and tries to log me out (which fails because y this time my login token is invalid)

I think there something wrong with the timer when it is NOT running in Debugger mode, as when I run the app in debug mode all works as it should.

Here's how I use my component:

<Inactivity name='NameOfPageView' navigation={this.props.navigation}>
         //Other components go here   

Here's my Inactivity component:

import React from 'react';
import { View, Alert, YellowBox } from 'react-native'
import Analytics from './Analytics'
import LogoutService from '../Logout/LogoutService';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { globalBegin, globalUserNotLoggedIn } from '../Shared/Global/GlobalActions';
import UserInactivity from 'react-native-user-inactivity';
import Spinner from '../Components/Spinner';

YellowBox.ignoreWarnings(['Setting a timer for a long period of time']);

class Inactivity extends React.Component{

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            name: props.name,
            timeout: 600000,
            active: true,

    onAction = (active) => {
        if(active) return;


    onInactivity = (name) => {
            var analytics = Analytics.create(name, 'logout');
            var traceId = analytics.getTraceId();
            return Alert.alert( 
                        text: 'OK', 
                        onPress: () => {
                                    .then(() => {
                                    .catch(function (error) {
                {cancelable: false }

    render() {
        return (
                timeForInactivity={this.state.timeout} >
                <Spinner visible={this.props.isBusy}/>
                <View style={{ flex: 1}}>


const mapStateToProps = reduxState => {
    return {
        isLoggedin: reduxState.global.user.isLoggedin,
        isBusy: reduxState.global.screen.isBusy,

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
    return {
        actionBegin: () => { dispatch(globalBegin()) },
        userLogout: () => { dispatch(globalUserNotLoggedIn()) },

module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) (Inactivity);

I hadn't checked this on iOS yet.
Any idea of what can possibly be wrong? Any tips?
All help is welcome.


Hi, sorry for the delay, this should be fixed using a timer different than the default setTimeout, as I've described in #19.
A new version of this package is expected to be released the 13th August 2019.


That sounds good. In case this helps you or anyone else that had the same issue here it is my work around.

In the mean time I stopped using the package, and implemented two solutions:
1 - when the app is in the foreground using a "setTimeout";
2 - when the app is in the background: (When the app goes to background state, I save the current datetime, and when it comes back to the foreground and compare that against currentDateTime+TimeoutTime.

These did the trick, but if the new release changes on the package can simplify my code, I will be happy to go back to use the package.


Hi, please check out the new version. You need to provide a custom timer to the library. In your case, just use any native background timer that works on Android too.