
Haste Module naming collision

kristinadarroch opened this issue · 6 comments

jest-haste-map: Haste module naming collision:

Duplicate module name: react-native
paths: project-name/node_modules/react-native-user-inactivity/node_modules/react-native/package.json collides with project-namel/node_modules/react-native/package.json

jest-haste-map: Haste module naming collision:
Duplicate module name: react-animated

Paths: project-name/node_modules/react-native-user-inactivity/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Animated/release/package.json collides with project-name/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Animated/release/package.json

This warning is caused by hasteImpl returning the same name for different files.
jest-haste-map: Haste module naming collision:
Duplicate module name: Sample

Paths: project-name/node_modules/react-native-user-inactivity/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Sample/package.json collides with /project-name/FreshTool/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Sample/package.json

try clearing the Watchman and packager caches with watchman watch-del-all && react-native start --reset-cache

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I am getting the error on 1.0.1-beta.1, but it looks like you fixed the issue with the very next commit. Solution was to remove react and react-native from the dependency list.

v1.0.1 is not on npm registry
Last now is: 1.0.1-beta.1

I am using a forked version of 1.0.1. I can confirm that it works.

Sorry for the troubles @mowbell @cmcaboy @kristinadarroch.
Package version 1.0.1 is now online.
Apparently last week my npm publish command failed and I didn't notice until today.

(For the record, I was on a train using my mobile phone's hotspot WiFi, so the connection was pretty unstable, lol.)
