Error: Attempted to remove more RTCKeyboardObserver Listeners than needed
Chiinyee opened this issue · 4 comments
React native 0.62.2
iOS 13
How i implemented:
const logout = () => {
onAction={isActive => { isActive ? console.log("I'm active") : logout() }}>
// App components
I am attempting to use this library to detect for user inactivity and if the user is inactive, I would like to log the user out of the app. When the logout() method is called and the page is routed to splash, I get the following error: Attempted to remove more RTCKeyboardObserver Listeners than needed. May I know if this is a problem due to the library?
You can use skipKeyboard={true}
while the issue is fixed
<UserInactivity isActive={active} timeForInactivity={timer} onAction={isActive => { isActive ? console.log("I'm active") : logout() }} skipKeyboard={true}>
Hi @Chiinyee, can you please provide a minimal example Expo application with the issue you're describing?
I got same problem in my application, and I can confirm that adding skipKeyboard={true} solves the problem.
EDIT: I've actually checked code and know what causes the issue, will make a PR in a sec
Hi to all, react-native-user-inactivity@1.2.0
is out with this update.