
As the python exception API is quite a bit obscure this python module wraps around python exceptions to provide a clean interface for analysis and logging purposes.

Primary LanguagePython



This python module provides a way to model python exceptions in a clean object oriented way. It is then easy to work with these exception objects.

Information about this module can be found here:

Why this module?

Though the python exception API has improved over time it still is quite complex and a bit confusing because of its complexity. This module tries to solve this problem by modeling exceptions in a very defined, clean, object oriented way similar to other programming languages such as Java, C# and others.

How to use this module

Import this module

Please include this module into your application using the following code:

import jk_exceptionhelper

Analyse the exeption


	a = 0
	b = 5 / a
except Exception as ex:
	ee = ExceptionObject.fromException(ex)

Now ee contains an instance of ExceptionObject. ExceptionObject contains all relevant information from the exception for your convenience to work with.

Output the exception data

For testing or debugging there is an easy way to write all exception data to STDOUT:


	a = 0
	b = 5 / a
except Exception as ex:
	ee = ExceptionObject.fromException(ex)

This will print the following lines to STDOUT:

: exceptionTextHR:
:       division by zero
: stackTrace:
:       ./example_simple.py:18 :: 'b = 5 / a'

Nested exeptions


		... do something that fails ...
	except Exception as e2:
		raise Exception("Something has failed!", ExceptionObject.fromException(e2))

except Exception as e:
	ee = ExceptionObject.fromException(e)

Now ee contains an instance of ExceptionObject. ExceptionObject itself contains not only standard exception data but a reference to the nested ExceptionObject. The trick is here to get a model of the original exception immediately so that the current stack trace is captured. Then a new exception can be raised. If at a later step ExceptionObject.fromException(...) is invoked again, the method fromException() will automatically find the appended ExceptionObject and use it as a nested exception.

API: Classes

Class 'ExceptionObject'


Type Name Required? Description
class exceptionClass optional The original exception class. This instance will only be present if analyseException() was called within an except block.
str exceptionClassName required The class name of the exception.
str exceptionTextHR optional A human readable text that was contained within the exception.
StackTraceItem[] stackTrace optional The stack trace. The last item of the list is the topmost stack element.
ExceptionObject nestedException optional Another exception object the current exception could refer to if it replaces the other exception.

Static Methods

Static Method StackTraceItem fromJSON(dict data)

StackTraceItem fromJSON(dict data)

Deserialize a data structure created by toJSON().

Static Method ExceptionObject fromException(BaseException exception)

ExceptionObject fromException(BaseException exception)

Capture all python exception information and represent it as ExceptionObject for later processing.


Method void dump()

void dump()

Print the contents of the exception to STDOUT.

Method dict toJSON(bool bRecursive = True)

dict toJSON(bool bRecursive = True)

Serialize the exception object to JSON format.


  • bool bRecursive : If True (which is the default) nested exceptions are serialized as well. If False these get skipped.


	a = 0
	b = 5 / a
except Exception as ex:
	ee = ExceptionObject.fromException(ex)
	edata = ee.toJSON()

Method dict toJSON_flat()

dict toJSON_flat()

Same as toJSON(False).


  • (none)

Contact Information

This is Open Source code. That not only gives you the possibility of freely using this code it also allows you to contribute. Feel free to contact the author(s) of this software listed below, either for comments, collaboration requests, suggestions for improvement or reporting bugs:


This software is provided under the following license:

  • Apache Software License 2.0