
Done ratio float

ashrafalzyoud opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi thx for your lovely plugin
If I can asking u?!

1_ I'm changing the type of column done_ratio to float
2_ setting the done ratio calculation from issue Field
3_ setting to calculate done ratio from subtask

4_ I using formula
@issue.done_ratio = @ issue.custom.field.value(1).to_f.round(2)

5_ every things in child issue okay with float numbers done ratio

6_ the problem in parent task
The done ratio appear 61%
I need look to 60.69%

  child1 (:done_ratio => 10.12)
  child2 (:done_ratio => 20.23)
  child3(:done_ratio => 90.45)
  (10.12 + 20.33 + 90.44) / 3 = 12

If u can help where in core redmine code how calculate done ratio round

Or by using your plugin?!