
Error applying with default values: commonName: Too long: must have at most 64 bytes

discordianfish opened this issue · 3 comments

Deploying using tf like this:

resource "helm_release" "aws_pod_identity_webhook" {
  name       = "aws-pod-identity-webhook"
  repository = "https://jkroepke.github.io/helm-charts/"
  chart      = "amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook"
  namespace  = "kube-system"

  depends_on = [helm_release.cert_manager]

I get the following error:

│ Error: admission webhook "webhook.cert-manager.io" denied the request: spec.commonName: Too long: must have at most 64 bytes

I suspect this is because fullname gets truncated to 63 chars while the commonName includes the namespace and .svc:

commonName: "{{ include "amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook.fullname" . }}.{{ include "amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook.namespace" . }}.svc"

I guess chaging this only to fullname may resolve the issue?

Can you test the changes from #38

Sorry I didn't get to it. Might on the weekend. But your change LGTM, so should help!