
Obfuscated file will not run

LoganDark opened this issue · 1 comments

0 LoganDark ~/Desktop/ShEdit lua main.lua.obf
lua: main.lua.obf:1: <name> expected near char(226)

This happens whether I use level 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Here's the contents of the file I'm trying to obfuscate:

local lex = require('.lib.lexer')

local function getTokens(text)
  return ({lex(text)})[2].getTokenList()

local function flattenTokens(tokens)
  local flattened = {}

  local function append(type, data)
    local last = flattened[#flattened]

    if last ~= nil and last.type == type then
      last.data = last.data .. data
      flattened[#flattened + 1] = {type = type, data = data}

  for t = 1, #tokens do
    local token = tokens[t]

    for w = #token.LeadingWhite, 1, -1 do
      local white = token.LeadingWhite[w]

      if white.Data ~= nil and white.Data:len() > 0 then
        append(white.Type, white.Data)

    if token.Data ~= nil and token.Data:len() > 0 then
      append(token.Type, token.Data)

  return flattened

local function flatToLines(flattened)
  local function splitTwoLines(tokens)
    local l1 = {}
    local l2 = {}

    for i = 1, #tokens do
      local token = tokens[i]
      local data = token.data
      local pos = data:find('\n')

      if pos then
        local before = data:sub(1, pos - 1)
        local after = data:sub(pos + 1)

        if before:len() > 0 then
          l1[#l1 + 1] = {type = token.type, data = before}

        if after:len() > 0 then
          l2[#l2 + 1] = {type = token.type, data = after}

        for x = i + 1, #tokens do
          l2[#l2 + 1] = {type = tokens[x].type, data = tokens[x].data}

        return l1, l2
        l1[#l1 + 1] = {type = token.type, data = data}

    return l1, nil

  local lines = {}
  local current = flattened

  while current and #current > 0 do
    local l1, l2 = splitTwoLines(current)
    current = l2

    lines[#lines + 1] = l1

  return lines

return {
  getTokens = getTokens,
  flattenTokens = flattenTokens,
  flatToLines = flatToLines

Here's the command I used to obfuscate it:

0 LoganDark ~/LuaObfuscator
python3.6 __main__.py --input ~/Desktop/ShEdit/main.lua --output ~/Desktop/ShEdit/main.lua.obf --level 3 --dontcopy
Version: Beta 1.0.3 (Updated on Jan 14, 2018 @ 04:34 PM)
Randomly chose XOR value 53.
Stripped 2 strings and 0 comments.
Finished tokenizing 460 tokens.
Beginning Level 3 obfuscation...
Step 1...Done.
Step 2...Done.
Step 3...Done.
Step 4...Done.
Step 5...Done.
Step 6...Done.
Step 7...Done.
Assuming "Data" is a global.
Step 8...Done.
Step 9...Done.
Step 10...Done.
Finished in 0.165 seconds.

It says "Assuming "Data" is a global.", so I think it doesn't realize that tables can be accessed like table.key instead of just table['key'].

The tokenizer and obfuscator are not perfect and will fail to produce working code under certain conditions. It has been a long time since I looked into these issues, but one thing that I remember is faulty handling of colon notation.

I believe the issue is occurring at white.Data:len() and token.Data:len(). I think the obfuscator is rewriting these statements as white.Data.len(Data) and token.Data.len(Data) and missing the white. and token. prefixes.

Sorry about this. To work around the issue please try modifying the input code. If Data is a string, then string.len(white.Data) or #white.Data should work just fine. Otherwise try using a local variable (ex: local whiteData = white.Data ... whiteData:len()), or the uglier solution white.Data.len(white.Data).

Please let me know if this helps.

PS. There is a --debug flag you can use which will produce slightly more helpful output.