
Problems with the development version of tibble

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm in the process of preparing the release for tibble 2.0.0. The RCzechia package imports or suggests tibble.

I'm seeing errors when testing your package with the dev version of tibble. Unfortunately I can't relate the errors I see to changes we've made to tibble. Also, a first pass of checking all downstream dependencies did not catch this problem.

Could you please install the development version of tibble and run the tests in your package, so that we get a better understanding for the reason of the new test failures?

See https://www.tidyverse.org/articles/2018/11/tibble-2.0.0-pre-announce/ for details on the upcoming release.

Thanks for raising the issue and doing the check.

The RCzechia package does not depend on tibble directly, and it seems that the failure of CMD check was a coincidence - it was most likely caused not by your package, but by the recent release of readxl (on 2018-12-19 or so...).

I have amended the vignette, and upon completing further checks will submit version 1.3.2 to CRAN.

Thanks again for taking care!

Thanks! In my process I'm comparing output of R CMD check between stable and development versions of tibble, everything else being equal. The process used readxl 1.2.0, and has shown that with the dev version of tibble there are more failures. (I'm not checking if the process failed before, only if there are more failures now.)

Before releasing your package, could you please double-check if all tests pass with both the CRAN and the dev version of tibble?

I have double checked the R CMD checks with GitHub version of tibble (

All seems well.

I will let it rest for a while, and submit to CRAN after January 2nd.

RCzechia version 1.3.2 has passed all checks and was accepted on CRAN.