
If the RenderPage method's arg contains folder path like "aaa/bbb", then...

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I call the @renderpage("aaa/bbb") in a template at location "Views/Main/Index.cshtml"
I suppose this call to include the child page in "Views/Main/aaa/bbb.cshtml" or "Views/Shared/aaa/bbb.cshtml"(just like asp.net mvc do), but in RazorMachine it never seach "Views/Shared/aaa/bbb.cshtml", it only search "Views/Shared/bbb.cshtml" so is not the right path.
if the arg to @renderpage contains folder path, this happens. Can you fix it for me?

thanks very much.

I added a test method in TemplateTest that tests your issue. That unit test succeeds. Could you hand me some code that fails?