
why I still install the version 0.4.5

Opened this issue · 10 comments

I use the pkg.add("Symata.jl"). How can I install the latest version 0.4.8?

The version 0.4.5 will always generate lots of warning informations, although it get correct results

I'm not sure why. The following should install the latest version:

Pkg.add(PackageSpec(name="Symata", rev="master"))

Thanks for replying. But it still fails.

The package causing the error, DiffResults is not actually used by Symata at the moment. I removed it and pushed the commit to master.

Can you try again ?

Hi again, the error from "DiffResults" is solved. Many thanks. There is another bug as attached.

I just updated master to solve this, hopefully.
This is a generic problem with Julia packages. If it still does not load, please let me know and I will fix it again.

Hi again, thanks for the timely update. There is still one problem as enclosed.

I pushed more fixes for versions to master. I hope this is all.

Still, I don't understand why your system is unable to find recent versions of packages.

Thanks anyway. It is not urgent for me. Looking forward your new versions. PS. My system is Macos 10.13 and i use julia 1.1.

Ok. Please let me know if the current master branch of Symata works for you.