first pitch result data
crodger12 opened this issue · 4 comments
import pybaseball
import pandas as pd
Fetch the data for the specified date range
data = pybaseball.statcast(start_dt='2023-10-22', end_dt='2023-10-22')
Create filtering conditions for the first pitch of the top and bottom of the first inning
condition_first_inning = (data['pitch_number'] == 1) & (data['inning'] == 1)
Filter the data based on the condition
filtered_data = data[condition_first_inning]
Group by game, inning, and top/bottom of inning, then take the first entry of each group
grouped = filtered_data.groupby(['game_date', 'home_team', 'away_team', 'inning_topbot']).first().reset_index()
Replace 'Top' and 'Bot' values in inning_topbot column with 'T' and 'B'
grouped['inning_T_or_B'] = grouped['inning_topbot'].replace({'Top': 'T', 'Bot': 'B'})
Select the specified columns along with the new inning_T_or_B column
result = grouped[['home_team', 'away_team', 'batter', 'pitcher', 'description', 'inning_T_or_B']]
Optionally, if you want to view the result in your notebook:
Data is wrong it was ball and ball for top of first and second
I lied grouping error cheers
@crodger12 Are you saying that you resolved the problem on your own? If so, we can close the issue.
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A lot of similarities with asking a Question on StackOverflow, and submitting an issue on Git. And this goes for anyone seeing this, too. Make your issues as reproducible as possible. Meaning, I can build a docker image to match your system (or close to) and include all the versions to make sure I'm seeing the same thing you are.
Thanks for contributing to the repo!
yes you are all good to close sorry about that