
schedule_and_record doesn't work for any year/team combo

jmjfisher opened this issue · 4 comments

http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/SEA/2023-schedule-scores.shtml is a valid URL, but the error states:

Data cannot be retrieved for this team/year combo. Please verify that your team abbreviation is accurate and that the team existed during the season you are searching for.

I believe Baseball Reference has added more tables as it's trying to find table [0]: table = soup.find_all('table')[0]

2024 works great for me. Is it only for past years you are seeing this error?

Just tried it again. Worked once for one team (SEA in 2024), but then when I tried a different team or looping through all teams, I got the same error. Maybe Baseball Reference is blocking me beyond the initial hit?

Are you looping through all teams at once? I have found I have to go div by div with a 30 second break, and it works just fine.

year = 2024


mariners = pyball.schedule_and_record(year, 'SEA')
athletics = pyball.schedule_and_record(year, 'OAK')
rangers = pyball.schedule_and_record(year, 'TEX')
angels = pyball.schedule_and_record(year, 'LAA')
astros = pyball.schedule_and_record(year, 'HOU')



indians = pyball.schedule_and_record(year, 'CLE')
white_sox = pyball.schedule_and_record(year, 'CHW')
tigers = pyball.schedule_and_record(year, 'DET')
twins = pyball.schedule_and_record(year, 'MIN')
royals = pyball.schedule_and_record(year, 'KCR')

Yep, the time.sleep(x) seemed to do the trick, thanks!